Goodbye 2015. Hello 2016!

12:00 AM

Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a truly amazing New Years Eve! If you ask me, the best thing about 2016 is that it's a new beginning! Every New Years Eve we get a clean slate to make 2016 something amazing, to do all of the things we want to do and to be happy! 

As for me, this year was even better than 2014! I finished my 5 year career at 21, got an amazing job in a law firm and a part time job as an english teacher in an up and coming E-Language project; my boyfriend of 7 years proposed to me and I got to spend another amazing year with my family. I am so thankful for everything I have! The more time passes, the more I appreciate my family, my fiancé, and all of the good things in my life. I have grown very much this year, I've met awesome people and I've had amazing experiences. One of the most important things I've learned is that no matter how much I worry about something, I'm not going to change the unavoidable future and no amount of regret can change the things done in the past. So, even though I can't not feel worried about what comes ahead, I will try to take it easy and live in the moment. I've got a ton of proyects to take care of next year besides my wedding; so one of my resolutions is to keep calm and carry on.  

Thanks for reading, and happy New Year! Stay Awesome!

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