Wedding Wednesday! Bouquet + Flowers for every bride.

9:00 PM

Hi guys and dolls! There's one subject I haven't even mentioned before on Wedding Wednesday, and it's the bouquet. Oh gosh I had avoided this! I used to have a major dilemma, Do I make it match the decoration? Do I pick a bright color or do I go for the traditional white? Do I pick a round bouquet or a cascade? Do I- Do I- Do I-! This infographic has made it a bit easier. Even though the round bouquet works well with any dress style, I think I'll go for the cascade as I want it to look fresh and light, but still very elegant. I've seen tons of bouquets (And caught my fair share), and I have to admit even though the round bouquet is very tempting, the cascade fits what I envisioned for my wedding day.

When picking the bouquet, you have to go for what you like, what you feel comfortable holding (Make sure it's not too heavy) and what works the best for your wedding style. I find that very formal brides usually go for the round bouquet, while others go for the pomander or the pageant bouquet. It really depends on your style, so pick the one that you like the most and roll with it, anything you pick will be awesome!

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